The BelPres Legacy Foundation FAQ

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How can I give to the BelPres Legacy Foundation?

Simply name BelPres church in your estate planning (will, trust, or beneficiary designations). We’ve provided sample wording below. Then contact us by sending an email with your name and phone number to Please check with your financial advisors before making any financial decisions.

              Sample Wording:

              Specific bequest:

“I give to Bellevue Presbyterian Church, Washington the sum of $_______________ (OR all my right, title and interest in the following described property _______________) to be used in such manner as the BelPres Legacy Foundation, managed by the Legacy Foundation Board shall, in its sole discretion, determine.”

Residuary bequest:

“I give to Bellevue Presbyterian Church, Washington the residue of my estate to be used in such manner as the BelPres Legacy Foundation managed by the Legacy Foundation Board shall, in its sole discretion, determine.”

Proportional bequest:

“I give to Bellevue Presbyterian Church, Washington (a stated percentage or a fraction of the residue of my estate) to be used in such manner as the BelPres Legacy Foundation managed by the Legacy Foundation Board shall, in its sole discretion, determine.”

Contingent bequest:

“In the event that _______________ (name of spouse, child, sibling, etc.) shall not survive me, then I give the same to Bellevue Presbyterian Church, Washington to be used in such manner as the BelPres Legacy Foundation managed by the Legacy Foundation Board shall, in its sole discretion, determine.”

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Is the BelPres Legacy Foundation a part of the BelPres Missions Department?

No, the Foundation is not part of the BelPres Church Missions Department. The Foundation is a separate group within the church managed by a Foundation Board who are all BelPres church members.

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What is the Grant-Making Process?

Awards are granted on a semi-annual basis by the Foundation Board.

Requests for global missions and/or local community mission related grants are submitted to the BelPres Mission Department. The Missions Department reviews each request for completeness and alignment with the department’s strategic direction and selects grant requests to be submitted to the Foundation Board for final award determination.

A similar process is followed for Capital grant requests which are submitted by the Church’s Business Administrator.

Grants approved by the Foundation Board receive final review by the Finance Committee and approval by Session.

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BelPres is already a beneficiary, do I need to amend my will?

No. All bequests received by BelPres are deposited directly to the BelPres Legacy Foundation and are dispersed at the discretion of the Legacy Foundation Board. 

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Who are the recipients of the funds?

The primary recipients are both global missional and local community missional focused projects as well as BelPres church related capital projects and are dispersed at the discretion of the Legacy Foundation Board.

Community Impact Grant Beneficiaries

The Foundation has funded numerous grants locally.  A few examples:

  • Jubilee Reach

  • Andrew’s House

  • Bridge Disability Ministries

  • Congregations for the Homeless

  • The Sophia Way

  • Habitat for Humanity

  • Mary's Place

  • Matt Talbot Center

  • Young Life Bellevue

  • Youth for Christ

  • BelPres Street Signage

  • BelPres Modern Worship Live Stream & AV Upgrade

  • Re:New House improvements

  • Family Life Ministries - Playground equipment

  • Golf Cart- Shuttle for parking lot

Global Impact Grant Beneficiaries

The Legacy Foundation has provided funds globally to mission partners, including, but not inclusive, to:

  • Abraham Project - Costa Rica

  • Alongside Africa

  • Bless Ganges  - India

  • Caring for Cambodia

  • Center for Champions - Rwanda

  • Children of the Nations

  • DOVE - Cambodia

  • ETSC - Cairo

  • New Horizons Ministry

  • Nicolas Fund for Education - Nicaragua

  • Ninos Con Valor - Bolivia

  • ODRINO- Haiti

  • Rwanda Faith Academy

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Legacy Foundation Board Members

Nathan Novak

Jackie Lang

Sean Nordberg

John Mabbott

Joe Kurian

Lenka Hanzlik

Judy Courshon

Fil Alleva

Rich Fukutaki

Sandy Rorem

Evan Schmidt

Dr. Scott Dudley

Mary Beth Ranney