What Does It Mean to be a “Just Neighbor?”
The word "justice” in the Bible means “to make right.” Justice is the act of bringing things back to the way God originally intended - in right relationship with one another, creation, and God.
As a community, we feel called to follow God’s lead in being healers of injustices, a people who right wrongs in our communities, neighborhoods and homes. We embarked on a discipleship initiative to be “Just Neighbors” in an effort to understand God’s call to bring justice where we live and use our property and land for his purposes and heal the spiritual and physical effects of redlining and racially restrictive covenants in Seattle and the Eastside. Please watch the videos below to understand better our “why.”
““Justice is rooted in the very character of God.””
Our Vision and Why This Matters
As we researched and listened to local experts and community leaders to see where we still see injustices play out in our region today, we found the two areas of highest residual impact in this area were redlining and racially restrictive home covenants. We prayerfully asked ourselves how we could be “Just Neighbors” and reflect God’s kingdom and his character in our region. The below steps are what we are calling our church to so we can show Jesus’ healing and engage rewriting injustice for the kingdom of God in our region.
““Homeownership is the number one net-worth building asset for the average household in the United States.”
Where Do You Start?
What is our first step to moving toward healing injustices in our community’s history? Prayer. We will pray about how God wants each of us to dedicate our properties and homes to his purposes. We will rewrite our covenants to reflect God's character and his kingdom. We invite you to host Houses of Prayer to spiritually fight for healing in our own hearts and in our communities. Lastly, we are invited to invest in minority communities through justice deposits and supporting schools that have been negatively impacted by redlining and racial injustices. Together, we can make a big impact for God’s kingdom. Will you join us in becoming Just Neighbors?
“By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
Write a new inclusive Covenant <<
We believe that racial restriction on our properties and homes is antithetical to the kingdom of God. We are calling our entire church to write new covenants for our homes, apartments, and/or properties to dedicate their use to rewriting injustice and better reflect the kingdom of God. Click below to learn easy steps to write a new covenant. With the generous help of BKCO Title & Escrow, we can check our deeds to see if there is any racially restrictive language and add a new covenant to our deeds. Together, let’s rewrite and change the narrative of our community and city to reflect who God is.
Pray over your home <<
Take your new inclusive covenants and dedicate your home to God in prayer. As Christians, we believe in the spiritual as much as the physical and half of healing injustice will be with tangible and spiritual actions. Houses of Prayer are gatherings that foster a culture of prayer and worship in local neighborhoods, pushing back against the negative impacts of division, racism and hatred in our communities. We have put together an easy how-to guide on how you can host a House of Prayer with friends, family, and neighbors. To invite others from the BelPres community into your home to pray, fill out the below form.
Make a Justice Deposit <<
Homeownership is the foundation of most families’ accumulated wealth. Home equity can be invested in small businesses and passed on to future generations. African Americans were essentially shut out of the housing market for the first 70 years of the 20th century because of redlining, racially restrictive covenants, and inequitable banking practices. Lack of home ownership is a major factor contributing to the substantial wealth gap between African Americans and white Americans. This wealth gap continues to grow as lenders, businesses, and investors, large and small, avoid the existing poor African American communities. Justice deposits help correct that problem. These are investments (not handouts) that companies and individuals can make to recapitalize Black and minority owned banks and will provide equity for communities previously prevented from building wealth.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.
What’s Ahead for Justice at BelPres
BelPres is committed to prayerfully and humbly addressing “Race and Place” on the Eastside and areas of Seattle. We hope to have more opportunities to come together and heal injustice in our area for the kingdom. To stay connected with opportunities in the future, sign up for updates below.
Ongoing Learning:
“Just Neighbors” Booklet
Click Here to download the booklet created by our BelPres Justice Team to learn more about redlining and racial justice.
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein
Race and Place: How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation by David Leong (Seattle author, rooted in Christian faith)
UW researchers find racist home covenants in Washington | king5.com
Researchers hunt down hidden racist history in Washington property deeds | KNKX Public Radio
Segregated Seattle. The Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project. (Check out the narrated slideshow)
Increasing Black Homeownership in the Puget Sound Region
The Racial Wealth Gap is the Housing Gap, Office of Lt. Gov. Denny Heck
““Care, rewrite and heal injustice for the kingdom.””