Recommendation for Elder

Elders are an essential part of our leadership here at BelPres Church. Beginning September 8 through October 20, 2024, the BelPres Nominating Committee is seeking recommendations from the congregation and staff for candidates of the next class of church elders, which will begin a three-year term in May 2025. Elders prayerfully guide our church. If you know someone who loves Jesus and our church, is committed to this community and demonstrates compassionate leadership, recommend them for leadership!

What are the roles and responsibilities of these elders?

  • Attend monthly Session meetings.  The Session is the church’s governing and leadership body elected by the congregation (12 ruling elders, including two youth/young adults and six installed pastors).

  • Elders seek spiritual discernment as they lead in church government.

  • Each elder serves as a liaison to one or more church departments.

  • Elders regularly participate in spiritual growth activities including: personal and group prayer, Bible study, fasting, worship, tithing, and serving.

  • Elders work to further the church’s faithfulness to the Word of God.

  • Elders are called to build up the congregation in faith, hope, love, and witness.

What qualifications and characteristics are important for a candidate to possess?

  • Committed member of Bellevue Presbyterian Church. If they are not yet a member but have been regularly attending for a long time, do you sense they might be willing to become a member?

  • A mature follower of Jesus, as represented in their prayer life, participating in regular Bible study, attends worship regularly.

  • Demonstrates specific evidence of compassionate leadership.

  • Jesus and the Bible leads their daily lives both in the church and in the community wherever they live, work, play, or learn.